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[Definition] Omniscient

Omniscience: the capacity to know everything infinitely.

This concept is very interesting. It means that all things that anyone can know, past, present, and future, are already known by an omniscient being.

Gods of all major religions share this trait.
And if for some reason the concept seems simple, or if you think that being omniscient would be something cool, consider this:
  • Would you like to know the lotto numbers? Even knowing before playing, what, when and how you would spend every penny, and knowing perfectly how you would enjoy each experience, with no surprises, knowing as well as if you were living it the second time around or the 1000th time around, even before experiencing it the first time?
  • Would you enjoy the company of a person, if you knew all things the person thinks, everything that person would say to you or talk to you about, ever, as well as all events, all experiences shared, all harm and good coming to that person, darkest secrets, flaws, everything?! But, better, all that even before meeting the person for the first time? Just like watching a movie for that second time... ;)
  • What about mankind? Would you like to know how we started but also how we ended and why? Even before mankind started? No mysteries, no surprises, ever?
  • Would you like to never experience learning because you already know it all? Or never experiencing decisions, because you already know all of them?
  • What about the meaning of life? Would you like to know the meaning of life? Even before life or the universe started?
  • Would you like to never experience surprise, because everything is exactly the way you know it is?
  • What would you do, if everything about to be done, every pleasure or pain coming from it, any success or failure, was already known to you? Just like you know what the next breath of air is going to feel like as you read this, and the next one, and the next one, always known, forever and ever...
I wouldn't like to be omniscient. It seems, very, very, boring.

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